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Todd Begg Knives is a custom maker out of California. He is an award winning maker who is world renowned for clean designs executed brilliantly.Todd strives to produce functional art. His knives are innovative and unique. Begg knives are finished to a level of perfection everyone dreams of, but very, very few achieve.
Todd Begg work tries for perfection in form, function, fit and finish. His goal is to produce functional and beautiful knives that are innovative and unique and deliver unadulterated delight in his customers.
托德贝格追求作品的独特性,经常从未来或遥远的过去寻找灵感,Todd Begg的作品中很容易发现科幻小说和旧世界的元素,Todd Begg 以手工折刀而闻名,开发了独特的设计,托德的作品在形式、功能、合身和完成方面都力求完美。 他的目标是生产具有创新性和独特性的实用且美观的刀具,并为客户带来纯粹的喜悦。